Vino în echipa noastră

Poziții STEM

Prysmian Group is looking for a RAW Material planning colleague who will be:

  • Defining Inventory levels;
  • Aligning targets and policies;
  • Controlling RM inventory levels based on demand and purchase orders analysis;
  • Raw Material Warehouse coordination;
  • Planning raw material procurement based on demand;
  • Creating raw material purchase requisition;
  • Raw material follow-up with Purchasing and delivery status check.

If you are interested in this opportunity send us your CV at [email protected] or drop it directly to our CV drop-box in our locations in Slatina or Milcov.

Prysmian Group is looking for a Senior Quality Engineer colleague with the following responsibilities:

  • Develop quality standards for the organization’s raw materials, in-process products, and finished products and design new, complex, or innovative measures, tests, sampling methods, and other procedures that ensure that these standards are met.
  • Define the quality control plans for different product families according to existing standards and specific customer requirements.  Guarantee the correct application of work instructions and quality control plans together with applicable QMS procedures. Plan, carry out and follow up Quick Process Audits. Carry out proper tests and controls aimed at verifying product conformity, starting from incoming inspection on raw materials to final test on finished goods. Directly manage customer visits/audits/FAT and be the team leader for customer claims management and resolution. Play an active role in improvement teams aimed at reducing internal non conformities and relevant costs.
  • Implement quality assurance regulations.
  • Write and revise standard operating procedures. Support and facilitate audits and regulatory inspections.
  • Support Quality Assurance Manager in supervision of all quality control aspects of the process (laboratories studies, research, testing, operations, raw materials, production, finished product or services) ensure that standards are met and reports potential issues either with product quality or reliability of testing procedures.
  • May liaise with external vendors, contractors or suppliers to ensure that their products or services meet the organization's quality standards. May support quality training coordination.


If you are interested in this opportunity send us your CV at [email protected] or drop it directly to our CV drop-box in our locations in Slatina or Milcov.

Locuri de muncă în producție

Prysmian Group angajează Magaziner pentru departamentul Mentenanță Energie:

  • Cu experiență de muncă de minim 1 an în domeniu;
  • Absolvent de studii medii cu bacalaureat;
  • Responsabil, spirit de observație, memorie vizuală, capacitate organizatorică și de lucru atât individual cât și în echipă;
  • Cunoștințe operare calculator, abilități de calcul și raționament numeric.

Sarcini și responsabilități:

  • Asigură gestiunea fizică a stocului de echipamente/consumabile/materiale;
  • Operează în stoc mișcările de marfă, păstrează documnentele justificative legate de stocuri;
  • Efectuează lunar inventarul stocului de marfă;
  • Participă activ la operațiunile de încărcare/descărcare a mărfii la/din magazine;
  • Raportează superiorului ierarhic orice neconcordanță între stocul fizic și cel scriptic;
  • Introduce marfa în stoc în baza documentelor de intrare;
  • Efectuează recepția mărfii la intrarea în magazie;
  • Verifică documentele la intrarea NIR-ului și semnalează eventualele neconcordanțe;
  • Se îngrijește de buna depozitare și conservare a materialelor în magazii;
  • Cunoștinte SAP;
  • Interfață cu Companiile externe în activități legate de reparații, îmbunătățire, întreținere preventivă și investiții.

Persoanele interesate pot trimite un e-mail la adresa [email protected] sau îl pot depune personal la punctele de colectare CV de la poartă.

Prysmian Group angajează Jonctor:

  • Absolvent de studii medii cu bacalaureat;
  • Responsabil, spirit de observație, memorie vizuală, capacitate organizatorică și de a lucra atât individual cât și în echipă;
  • Cunoștințe operare calculator, abilități de calcul și raționament numeric;
  • Deplasare în localitățile aferente proiectelor în desfășurare până la 100% din timpul de lucru, atât în țară cât și în străinătate.

Sarcini și responsabilități:

  • Execuția (asamblarea) elementelor destinate conexiunilor cablurilor de înaltă, medie și joasă tensiune (accesorii) în conformitate strictă cu instrucțiunile trainerilor / supervisorilor și a instrucțiunilor de asamblare furnizate de producătorul accesoriilor;
  • Înțelegerea responsabilității și importanței respectării 100% a pașilor necesari conform instrucțiunilor de lucru pentru asamblarea corectă a elementelor de circuit;
  • Însușirea instrucțiunilor de lucru și a particularităților specifice fiecărui accesoriu înaintea începerii lucrărilor în vederea aprovizionării materialelor conexe necesare și a depistării în timp util a eventualelor neconformități.

Persoanele interesate pot trimite un e-mail la adresa [email protected] sau îl pot depune personal la punctele de colectare CV de la poartă.

Prysmian Group angajează Stivuitorist:

  • Cu experiență de muncă de minim 1 an în domeniu. Autorizație ISCIR
  • Dexteritate în conducerea și manevrarea motostivuitoarelor
  • Seriozitate și simțul responsabilității
  • Abilități de comunicare și organizare

Sarcini și responsabilități

  • Incărcarea, descărcarea, manipularea și stivuirea mărfurilor
  • Amplasarea mărfii în cadrul depozitului
  • Asigurarea bunei desfășurări și a corectitudinii mărfurilor
  • Întreținerea corespunzatoare a stivuitorului
  • Respectarea întocmai a specificației produselor/mărfurilor dispuse spre încărcare

Persoanele interesate pot trimite un e-mail la adresa [email protected] sau îl pot depune personal la punctele de colectare CV de la poartă.

Prysmian Group angajează Electrician:

  • Cu experiență de minim 3 ani vechime în muncă cu calificare de electrician. Autorizație ANRE (de preferat);
  • Apt din punct de vedere medical și psihologic pentru exercitarea meseriei de electrician;
  • Atenție sporita, coordonare bună mâini-ochi, cunoașterea și înțelegerea standardelor de electricitate, gestionarea timpului;
  • Seriozitatea și dorința de a coopera pe termen lung într-o echipă dinamică, disponibilitate de a lucra în schimburi.

Sarcini și responsabilități:

  • Efectuează intervenții de urgență la sistemele tehnice de natură electrică;
  • Efectuează verificări zilnice ale instalațiilor din clădire;
  • Asigură efectuarea lucrărilor de natură electrică privind reparații ale instalațiilor și a utilajelor;
  • Efectuează alte lucrări la cerere la instalațiile electrice utilizate în conformitate cu procedurile interne aprobate (lucrări cu scoaterea de sub tensiune);
  • Efectuează mentenanță accidentală și preventivă a utilajelor din producție;
  • Răspunde de efectuarea corespunzătoare a activităților din caietul de sarcini ale obiectivului, conform graficului de lucru;
  • Răspunde de calitatea lucrarilor efectuate și de raportările întocmite către superiorul ierarhic.

Persoanele interesate pot trimite un e-mail la adresa [email protected] sau îl pot depune personal la punctele de colectare CV de la poartă.


Prysmian Group angajează Mecanic:

  • Cu experiență de muncă de minim 3 ani într-un post similar - să posede cunoștinte teoretice și practice pentru reparația mecanică a utilajelor; 
  • Persoană organizată și dinamică, atitudine pozitivă, care dorește să învețe ceva nou;
  • Seriozitatea și dorința de a coopera pe termen lung într-o echipă dinamică, disponibilitate de a lucra în schimburi;
  • Aptitudini auditive, atenție concentrată și susținută.

Sarcini și responsabilități

  • Răspunde de existența și păstrarea în bune condiții a documentației tehnice, instrucțiunilor de lucru, a fișelor de inspecție și încercare conform procedurilor in vigoare;
  • Răspunde de menținerea în stare bună a echipamentelor și a sculelor din dotare;
  • Cunoașterea și citirea corecta a desenelor de ansamblu și de execuție pentru componentele mecanice ale utilajelor din producție;
  • Asamblarea utilajelor și efectuarea probelor de funcționare;
  • Asigurarea funcționării mașinilor, utilajelor și a echipamentelor mecanice;
  • Diagnosticarea funcționării acestora;
  • Efectuarea măsurătorilor mecanice de precizie și întocmirea rapoartelor de întreținere – reparații;
  • Citirea și întreținerea schițelor tehnice;
  • Responsabil pentru mentenanță accidentală și preventivă a utilajelor din producție.

Persoanele interesate pot trimite un e-mail la adresa [email protected] sau îl pot depune personal la punctele de colectare CV de la poartă.


Prysmian Group angajează Operator pentru mașini-unelte semiautomate și automate.

  • Absolvenți de liceu sau Școală Profesională cu minim 18 ani împliniți, care își doresc să facă parte dintr-o echipă care investește în oameni.

Sarcini și responsabilități

  • Respectarea programului de muncă, a regulilor stabilite pentru accesul în incinta (intrarea și ieșirea din Unitate), a graficului individual de lucru stabilit
  • Efectuarea planului de muncă în conformitate cu planificarea individuală
  • Primirea și luarea la cunoștință a programului sau comenzii de lucru, a instrucțiunilor de lucru
  • Respectarea ordinii și disciplinei la locul de muncă, a sarcinilor date de către șefii ierarhici
  • Utilizarea unui comportament adecvat față de colegi și de superiori


  • Formare la locul de muncă
  • Salariu și bonuri de masă
  • Prime și bonusuri de producție
  • Voucher de vacanță
  • Transport gratuit

Persoanele interesate pot trimite un e-mail la adresa [email protected] sau îl pot depune personal la punctele de colectare CV de la poartă.

Locuri de muncă în IT

Alătură-te Centrului de Excelență IT

Team Overview And Job Responsibilities

Part of the Global IT Center of Excellence you will part of a Global community of IT enthusiast located in Romania but directly working with our teams located all over the world and with our HQ.

Opportunities to travel for projects and support internationally.

Your Main Accountabilities Are Going To Include

  • Act as SAP Business Intelligence & Data Warehouse application expert, to support the maintenance as well as the evolution of the company reporting systems
  • Play a role in contributing to Prysmian’s business intelligence strategy implementation
  • Plan, coordinate and implement the execution of functional decision jointly with other areas’ team leaders

Who are we looking for?

  • Experience with BI & Data warehouse applications
  • Capability to support maintenance and evolution of Prysmian’s reporting systems
  • Technical Knowledge of SAP ERM Master Data model, SAP HANA, BW and ECC 6.0, Qlik technologies
  • Capability to coordinate cross-functional decisions with other areas’ team leaders

The Ideal Candidate Holds

  • Advanced knowledge of RDBMS, ETL and data management techniques;
  • Advanced knowledge of BI specific monitoring and control tools.
  • General and specific Data Modeling capabilities
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning approach
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Good English written and oral communication skills


Responsibilities And Main Duties

Business Analyst Specialist in SAP FI module and all sub-ledgers modules. Coordinate internal and external resources and Local IT (people from countries are coordinated in agreement also with Local IT Manager).
Responsible for AMS and Projects delivery in his own area mainly for SAP but eventually support also other central systems in finance area. Responsible for SAP Kernel & Other Central Systems (HFM, SAP Treasury, etc.) governance on his functional area, in collaboration with respective IT BP and HQ Business Team Leaders.
During roll-outs and other implementation projects: support for Fit-gap preparation and execution. Design of new functionalities, data migration, test, training, post go-live support.
Accountable to create/maintain the documentation for new technical solution, Manual End User and Kernel processes.

Who are we looking for?

  • Up To 3+ years with SAP Accounting/Controlling
  • Experienced in single SAP client with different countries (multinational accounting & controlling models implications)
  • Desirable technical Knowledge SAP HANA or S/4 and other finance tools (HFM, Treasury, Tagetik, ect.)
  • Knowledge of other SAP modules/tools for FI/CO integration (SD, MM, PP, BW)

Additional Skills

  • Project Management Skills
  • General and specific Data Modeling capabilities
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning
  • Good English written and oral communication skills


  • Kindergarten
  • Meal tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance


Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Business Analyst Specialist in SAP FI module and all sub-ledgers modules. Coordinate internal and external resources and Local IT (people from countries are coordinated in agreement also with Local IT Manager).
  • Responsible for AMS and Projects delivery in his own area mainly for SAP but eventually support also other central systems in finance area. Responsible for SAP Kernel & Other Central Systems (HFM, SAP Treasury, etc.) governance on his functional area, in collaboration with respective IT BP and HQ Business Team Leaders.
  • During roll-outs and other implementation projects: support for Fit-gap preparation and execution. Design of new functionalities, data migration, test, training, post go-live support.
  • Accountable to create/maintain the documentation for new technical solution, Manual End User and Kernel processes.

Who are we looking for?

  • Up To 3+ years SAP Accounting as business analyst or Area Leader
  • Experienced in single SAP client with different countries (multinational accounting & controlling models implications)
  • Desirable technical Knowledge SAP HANA or S/4 and other finance tools (HFM, Treasury, Tagetik, ect.)
  • Knowledge of other SAP modules/tools for FI/CO integration (SD, MM, PP, BW)


  • Kindergarten
  • Meal tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance

Additional Skills

  • Project Management Skills
  • General and specific Data Modeling capabilities
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning
  • Good English written and oral communication skills



Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Specialist in Datacenter delivery and IT Operation.
  • Manage the AMS and Projects delivery in his own area mainly for Microsoft environment.
  • Act as the go to person for all major service incidents, ensure service restoration and impact communication is the priority, managing actions Testing documentation and execution / Training material and training execution / Deploy

Who are we looking for?

  • At least 3+ years experience working with on Service Management processes that meet the business needs and are aligned to ITIL best practice
  • To have a “hands-on” approach, working in a dynamic and fast paced environment
  • At least 3-4 years experience working with Microsoft Operating System, SCCM,, Azure, Power Shell, InTune, Software Distribution

Additional Skills

  • Project Management Skills
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Good written and oral communication skills
  • Cloud transformation project



Job Profile: IT Corporate – Planning Delivery

Responsibilities and Main Duties

  • Business Analyst SAP SCM (APO) specialist, support for SAP SCM (APO) Kernel maintenance and supports local implementations projects.
  • Support of critical applications used at worldwide level and closely related to demand planning, production planning, production scheduling.
  • Participate in coordination of cross functional decisions with other areas. 
  • Actively participate on roll-outs and other implementation projects: support Fit-gap preparation and execution. Design of new functionalities, test, training, post go-live support.


  • At least 3 years experience working with SAP APO modules: PP/DS, gATP, DP and CIF interface
  • Knowledge of Master data and Customizing configuration
  • Knowledge of ABAP language to check and customize heuristics algorithms and CIF interface 
  • Knowledge about Supply Chain Processes: MPS,MRP, production scheduling, DRP.
  • Desirable Knowledge of SAP IBP
  • Desirable technical Knowledge SAP S4/HANA with focus on following modules: SD, MM, PP,BW

Additional Skills

  • General and specific Data Modeling capabilities
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning 
  • Organization and detailed Planning
  • Good English written and oral communication skills
  • Teamwork skills

Position IT Organisation

  • Reports to IT HQ Planning Business Analyst

Job Profile: IT Corporate – Production Delivery

Responsibilities and Main Duties

  • Business Analyst SAP QM specialist, support SAP QM Kernel maintenance and local implementations projects
  • Support of critical applications used at worldwide level and closely related to the Quality Controls on several key business processes (procurement, material management, production, sales). Coordination of cross functional decisions with other areas team leaders. 
  • During roll-outs and other implementation projects: support for Fit-gap preparation and execution. Design of new functionalities, test, training, Data Migration, post go-live support.


  • At least 4 years experience working with SAP QM (SAP HANA - S4)
  • Knowledge of Quality Management: Inspection at Good Receipt (from Purchase/Production Order) and during production
  • Inbound and Outbound Certificates Management, Physical Samples
  • Desirable technical Knowledge SAP S4/HANA and ECC 6.0
  • Knowledge of Master Data and Customizing configuration 
  • Knowledge of other SAP modules (APO, SD, MM, PM, PP, BW)

Additional Skills

  • Data Modeling capabilities
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning 
  • Organization and detailed Planning
  • Good English written and oral communication skills

Position IT Organisation

  • Reports to IT HQ Delivery Quality Management Manager.
  • Manages team members (HQ and Countries) on his area and external consultants

Who are we looking for?

  • Up To 3+ years SAP Sales & Distribution
  • Familiarity with Sales and cross-business processes
  • Experience in single SAP client including different legal entities/countries
  • Integration with other SAP modules/tools (MM, FI/CO, Planning, etc.)
  • Desirable functional & technical Knowledge of SAP S/4 HANA

Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Business Analyst Specialist in SAP SD module and all sub-modules
  • Responsible for AMS and Projects mainly in SAP Sales area, and other systems
  • Coordination of internal and external resources + Local IT (in agreement with Local IT Manager)
  • Collaboration with other functional / technical areas
  • Support on the functional area governance, in dialogue with respective IT BP and HQ Business Team Leaders
  • Testing documentation and execution / Training material and training execution / Deployment]

Additional Skills

  • Good English written and oral communication skills
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning
  • Project Management skills
  • General and specific Data Modeling capabilities

Extra Benefits

  • Access to private Kindergarten
  • Meal tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance
  • The option to buy discount shares



Responsibilities and Main Duties

  • Specialist in Network delivery and IT Operation. Coordinate internal and external resources and Local IT (people from 
  • countries are coordinated in agreement also with Local IT Manager).
  • Responsible the AMS and Projects delivery in his own area mainly for Wan, Lan & IT Security. Governance on his area, 
  • in collaboration with respective IT BP and HQ Business Team Leaders.
  • Act as the go to person for all major service incidents, ensure service restoration and impact communication is the 
  • priority, along with chairing post incident reviews and managing actions Testing documentation and execution / Training 
  • material and training execution / Deploy
  • Coordination of cross functional decisions with other areas team leaders. 


  • At least 5 years experience working in a Second/Third-level security support regarding processes that meet the business needs and are aligned to ITIL best practice.
  • The responsibility of the Project & Operation require also a high standing, dealing with local managers/top managers
  • To have a “hands-on” approach, working in a dynamic and fast paced environment
  • Mandatory CCNA, NSE4 and NSE5 training with exam passed
  • At least 3 years experience working with Routing, Fortinet, Linux, Forti Manager, Fortinet centralized platform, CCNP Security, SDWan, VPN configuration

Additional Skills

  • Project Management Skills
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning 
  • Good English written and oral communication skills
  • NSE6, NSE7 knowledge highly valued

Position IT Organisation

  • Reports to IT HQ Delivery Telco & Network Manager
  • Manages competence center team members (HQ and Countries) on his area and external consultants



Part of the Global IT Center of Excellence you will part of a Global community of IT enthusiast located in Romania but directly working with our teams located all over the world and with our HQ. Opportunities to travel for projects and support internationally.
Your main accountabilities are going to include:

  • Execute and manage Governance tasks related to your reference area.
  • Be the go-to person for all major service incidents, in all its phases: from service restoration and impact communication to post incidents reviews
  • Coordinate internal and external resources.
  • Act as responsible for the AMS and Project delivery in your own area for WAN, LAN & IT Security, ensuring the correct network functioning in compliance with company rules and standards


Infrastructure System Engineers

Part of the Global IT Center of Excellence you will part of a Global community of IT enthusiast located in Romania but directly working with our teams located all over the world and with our HQ. Opportunities to travel for projects and support internationally. 
Your main accountabilities are going to include:

  • Act as a specialist for the Datacenter delivery and IT Operations in the Microsoft environment, becoming responsible for related projects delivery in your own reference area
  • Contribute to the resolution of major service incidents, managing all their different phases: from service restoration and impact communication to post incidents reviews
  • Coordinate internal and external resources
  • Testing training documentation/materials and training execution.


Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Business Analyst SAP SCM (APO) specialist, responsible for SAP SCM (APO) Kernel maintenance and supports local implementations projects.
  • Support of critical applications used at worldwide level and closely related to demand planning, production planning, production scheduling.
  • Coordination of cross functional decisions with other areas team leaders.
  • During roll-outs and other implementation projects: Responsible for Fit-gap preparation and execution. Design of new functionalities, test, training, post go-live support.

Who are we looking for?

  • At least 3+ years experience working with SAP APO modules: PP/DS, gATP, DP and CIF interface
  • Knowledge of Master data and Customizing configuration
  • Knowledge of ABAP language to check and customize heuristics algorithms and CIF interface
  • Knowledge about Supply Chain Processes: MPS,MRP, production scheduling, DRP
  • Knowledge about SAP FIORI apps configuration and customization
  • Desirable Knowledge of SAP IBP
  • Desirable technical Knowledge SAP S4/HANA with focus on following modules: SD, MM, PP, BW

Adittional skills:

  • General and specific Data Modeling capabilities
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning
  • Organization and detailed Planning
  • Good English written and oral communication skills
  • Teamwork skills


  • Kindergarten
  • Meal Tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance



Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Business Analyst, SAP LO specialist, support SAP LO Kernel maintenance and local implementation projects.
  • Support of critical applications used at worldwide level and closely related to logistics and supply chain.
  • Coordination of cross functional decisions with other areas team leaders.
  • During roll-outs and other implementation projects: support for Fit-gap preparation and execution. Design of new functionalities, test, training, post go-live support.

Who are we looking for?

  • 3+ years experience working with SAP LO (SAP HANA - S4)
  • Knowledge of Master data and Customizing configuration
  • Desirable knowledge on Warehouse Managements and Transportations Systems
  • Knowledge about Supply Chain Processes
  • Knowledge of Interface concepts and experience of Interfacing with 3rd Party Systems
  • Desirable technical Knowledge SAP HANA – S4 and ECC 6.0
  • Knowledge of other SAP modules (APO, SD, MM)

Adittional skills:

  • Project Management Skills
  • General and specific Data Modeling capabilities
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning
  • Good English written and oral communication skills


  • Kindergarten
  • Meal Tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance



Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Business Analyst SAP MM specialist, support for SAP MM Kernel maintenance and supports local implementations projects.
  • Support of critical applications used at worldwide level and closely related to master data governance and procurement to pay process.
  • Coordination of cross functional decisions with other areas.
  • During roll-outs and other implementation projects: support Fit-gap preparation and execution. Design of new functionalities, test, training, post go-live support.

Who are we looking for?

  • 3+ years experience working with SAP MM (SAP HANA - S4)
  • Desirable knowledge on Logistics flows, integration with financial SAP modules,
  • Nice to have knowledge of Non Ferrous Metal module or Commodity module
  • Knowledge about Procurement Processes, vendor management & reporting
  • Knowledge on master data & customizing Configuration.
  • Desirable technical Knowledge SAP ERP 4.6 and ECC 6.0
  • Knowledge of other SAP modules (FI, CO, BW)

Additional Skills

  • Project Management Skills
  • General and specific Data Modeling capabilities
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning
  • Good English written and oral communication skills


  • Kindergarden
  • Meal tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance


Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Business Analyst Specialist in SAP SD module and all sub-modules
  • Responsible for AMS and Projects mainly in SAP Sales area, and other systems
  • Coordination of internal and external resources + Local IT (in agreement with Local IT Manager)
  • Collaboration with other functional / technical areas
  • Support on the functional area governance, in dialogue with respective IT BP and HQ Business Team Leaders
  • Testing documentation and execution / Training material and training execution / Deployment

Who are we looking for?

  • Up To 3+ years (Medium) / More than 5 years (Senior) of experience working with SAP SD as business analyst or Area Leader
  • Familiarity with Sales and cross-business processes
  • Experience in single SAP client including different legal entities/countries
  • Integration with other SAP modules/tools (MM, FI/CO, Planning, etc.)
  • Desirable functional & technical Knowledge of SAP S/4 HANA

Additional skills

  • Good English written and oral communication skills
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning
  • Project Management skills
  • General and specific Data Modeling capabilities


  • Kindergarten
  • Meal tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance



Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • You will provide support for daily IT operations inside the Prysmian Group. SAP is the core of the company applications.
  • Coordination of internal and external resources + Local IT (in agreement with Local IT Manager)
  • Collaboration with other functional / technical areas
  • Support on the functional area governance, in dialogue with respective IT BP and HQ Business Team Leaders
  • Testing documentation and execution / Training material and training execution / Deployment

Why to apply?

  • Develop Your Skills And Grow Within The Company
  • Earn advanced technical certifications
  • You are rewarded with a competitive salary package and relocation benefits
  • You will operate on a digitized campus near the factories
  • You will be able to travel to other Prysmian locations
  • Depending on the expertise required for the job, you can benefit from different levels of compensation.

Who are we looking for?

  •  Accounting, Finance, Economics experience + English language
  •  Sales, in a manufacturing environment + English language


  • Kindergarden
  • Meal tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance


Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Business Analyst Specialist in SAP FI module and all sub-ledgers modules. Coordinate internal and external resources and Local IT (people from countries are coordinated in agreement also with Local IT Manager).
  • Responsible for AMS and Projects delivery in his own area mainly for SAP but eventually support also other central systems in finance area. Responsible for SAP Kernel & Other Central Systems (HFM, SAP Treasury, etc.) governance on his functional area, in collaboration with respective IT BP and HQ Business Team Leaders.
  • During roll-outs and other implementation projects: support for Fit-gap preparation and execution. Design of new functionalities, data migration, test, training, post go-live support.
  • Accountable to create/maintain the documentation for new technical solution, Manual End User and Kernel processes.

Who are we looking for?

  • Up To 3+ years (Medium) / More than 5 years (Senior) of experience working with SAP FI as business analyst or Area Leader
  • Experienced in single SAP client with different countries (multinational accounting & controlling models implications)
  • Desirable technical Knowledge SAP HANA or S/4 and other finance tools (HFM, Treasury, Tagetik, ect.)
  • Knowledge of other SAP modules/tools for FI/CO integration (SD, MM, PP, BW)

Adittional skills:

  • Project Management Skills
    General and specific Data Modeling capabilities
    Research and self study attitude
    Forward thinking and strategic planning
    Good English written and oral communication skills


  • Kindergarten
  • Meal Tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance



Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Act as a specialist for the Datacenter delivery and IT Operations in the Microsoft environment, becoming responsible for related projects delivery in your own reference area
  • Contribute to the resolution of major service incidents, managing all their different phases: from service restoration and impact communication to post incidents reviews
  • Coordinate internal and external resources
  • Testing training documentation/materials and training execution.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for candidates among the following key competences:

  • A specialist in Datacenter delivery and IT Operations
  • At least 8-10 years’ experience working on Service Management processes which are aligned to ITIL standards and best practices.
  • At least 3-4 years’ experience working with Microsoft Operating Systems, Office 365, Azure, PowerShell, Azure Active Directory.
  • Capability in coordinating internal and external resources, with IT from other countries
  • Ability to manage Support and projects delivery mainly for Microsoft technologies on premise and in the cloud , Vmware environment, Database management, end-user support, ITMS Management
  • Experience in service incident restoration, ensuring service restoration and impact communication, making it a priority.
  • Expertise in testing documentation, execution, training material and deployment

The ideal candidate:

  • Up to 5+ years of experience working with Microsoft Operating System, Office 365, Azure, PowerShell, Azure Active Directory
  • A “hands-on” approach, working in a dynamic and fast paced environment
  • Fluency in Italian both written and oral
  • Good English written and oral communication skills 
  • Desirable ITIL knowledge
  • Experience working with Oracle, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL on premises and Cloud is a plus
  • Experience working with AWS, SCCM, InTune, Software distribution, ServiceNow ITSM, Performance Analytics, Natural Language, Power Shell, Backup solutions, Vmware, Hyper-V, NAS storages is a plus


Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Specialist in Datacenter delivery and IT Operation.
  • Manage the AMS and Projects delivery in his own area mainly for Microsoft environment.
  • Act as the go to person for all major service incidents, ensure service restoration and impact communication is the priority, managing actions Testing documentation and execution / Training material and training execution / Deploy.

Who are we looking for?

  • At least 3+ years experience working with on Service Management processes that meet the business needs and are aligned to ITIL best practice.
  • To have a “hands-on” approach, working in a dynamic and fast paced environment.
  • At least 3-4 years experience working with Microsoft Operating System, SCCM,, Azure, Power Shell, InTune, Software Distribution.

Adittional skills:

  • Project Management Skills
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Good written and oral communication skills
  • Cloud transformation project



Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Specialist in Network delivery and IT Operation. Coordinate internal and external resources and Local IT (people from countries are coordinated in agreement also with Local IT Manager).
  • Responsible the AMS and Projects delivery in his own area mainly for Wan, Lan & IT Security. Governance on his area, in collaboration with respective IT BP and HQ Business Team Leaders.
  • Act as the go to person for all major service incidents, ensure service restoration and impact communication is the priority, along with chairing post incident reviews and managing actions Testing documentation and execution / Training material and training execution / Deploy.
  • Coordination of cross functional decisions with other areas team leaders.

Who are we looking for?

  • Specialist in Network delivery and IT Operation. Coordinate internal and external resources and Local IT (people from countries are coordinated in agreement also with Local IT Manager).
  • Responsible the AMS and Projects delivery in his own area mainly for Wan, Lan & IT Security. Governance on his area, in collaboration with respective IT BP and HQ Business Team Leaders.
  • Act as the go to person for all major service incidents, ensure service restoration and impact communication is the priority, along with chairing post incident reviews and managing actions Testing documentation and execution / Training material and training execution / Deploy.
  • Coordination of cross functional decisions with other areas team leaders.

Adittional skills:

  • Project Management Skills
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning
  • Good English written and oral communication skills
  • NSE6, NSE7 knowledge highly valued



Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Specialist in Network delivery and IT Operation. Coordinate internal and external resources and Local IT (people from countries are coordinated in agreement also with Local IT Manager).
  • Responsible the AMS and Projects delivery in his own area mainly for Wan, Lan & IT Security. Governance on his area, in collaboration with respective IT BP and HQ Business Team Leaders.
  • Act as the go to person for all major service incidents, ensure service restoration and impact communication is the priority, along with chairing post incident reviews and managing actions Testing documentation and execution / Training material and training execution / Deploy.
  • Coordination of cross functional decisions with other areas team leaders.

Who are we looking for?

  • At least 3+ years experience working in a Second/Third-level network support regarding processes that meet the business needs and are aligned to ITIL best practice. The responsibility of the Project & Operation require also a high standing, dealing with local managers/top managers.
  • To have a “hands-on” approach, working in a dynamic and fast paced environment.
  • Mandatory CCNA and CCNP routing & switch training with exam passed.
  • At least 5 years experience working with, WiFi, Cisco, Fortinet, Juniper, F5 platforms, CCNP Routing & Switching, Spanning Tree, STP, BGP, PBR Route Maps, SDWam, OSPF, Unified Communication.

Adittional skills:

  • Project Management Skills
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning
  • Good English written and oral communication skills
  • Experience with JunOS (Juniper) and CCNP Wi-Fi certification highly valued


  • Kindergarten
  • Meal Tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance



Responsibilities And Main Duties

  • Business Analyst, SAP LO specialist, support SAP LO Kernel maintenance and local implementation projects.
  • Support of critical applications used at worldwide level and closely related to logistics and supply chain.
  • Coordination of cross functional decisions with other areas team leaders.

Who are we looking for?

  • 3+ years experience working with SAP LO (SAP HANA - S4)
  • Knowledge of Master data and Customizing configuration
  • Desirable knowledge on Warehouse Managements and Transportations Systems
  • Knowledge about Supply Chain Processes
  • Knowledge of Interface concepts and experience of Interfacing with 3rd Party Systems
  • Desirable technical Knowledge SAP HANA – S4 and ECC 6.0
  • Knowledge of other SAP modules (APO, SD, MM)

Additional Skills

  • Project Management Skills
  • Research and self study attitude
  • Forward thinking and strategic planning
  • Good English written and oral communication skills



  • Kindergarten
  • Meal tickets
  • Vacation tickets
  • Private insurance




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